As a driver of innovation, the automobile has always paved the way for new technologies. Artificial intelligence has now also found its place in all aspects of the automobile, from automotive engineering to production technology. In the construction of the vehicle, artificial intelligence can be used to realize potential in manufacturing and quality assurance. With modern vehicle systems the complexity in manufacturing increases, the use of Artificial Intelligence is a way to make this new complexity manageable.Data Spree answers current questions of the automotive industry with AI vision systems. In the context of production, AI-based image processing opens up many possibilities for new standards of efficiency and quality.
Our AI vision assembly assistant supports assembly workers in every work step and draws attention to assembly errors or defective components. Our AI can be trained for different products, components and assembly steps and thus detect, classify and localize each object. In real time, a display unit alerts employees to assembly errors or defective components. With our AI assembly assistant, you actively support your employees and sustainably prevent errors in your assembly processes.
Our AI-based surface inspection can be used flexibly in many process steps of automotive manufacturing. Exteurieur parts, such as car bodies and coated (KTL) or painted (base coat and clear coat) surfaces can be inspected for topographical and non-topographical defects.
With our AI-based surface inspection, it is also possible to reliably inspect parts and surfaces in the vehicle interior. Due to the versatile defect variants on dashboards and trims, our AI vision approach is particularly well suited here.
Highly complex pick & place applications, intelligent sortation and collaborative human-machine interactions can be implemented via AI-based robot guidance. Our AI vision solutions reliably identify components and determines their height, position and condition in real time. This makes even complex robotic applications quick and easy to implement.
With AI vision systems, we open up new possibilities for error-free product manufacturing and compliance with consistently high quality standards for automotive OEMs and suppliers. Our AI component inspection enables reliable part inspection, regardless of shape and material.
Out solutions for AI-based level control provides automatic and real-time inspection of fill levels and placements, for example of plugs in the paint shop or of components in manufacturing.